Blogging for Debate and Action –

Tips and ideas that challenge Black Britons and the nation

By the Editor-Publisher Thomas L Blair, copyright reserved 

reading electionAfrican Heritage@EdutainmentFest. Politicians in #Reading have made history by becoming the first black man & woman to be elected to the council. [Labour councillors Sophia James and Glenn Dennis were among those celebrating on May 22]. …


Going digital: Students join HRH The Duke of York and to find the next big online idea. 17 July 2014.

Lambeth Youth Mayor @LamYouthMayor  Jul 20, What should London do for its young people? @lambeth_council @MayorofLondon #weaskedyoungpeople

 Hugh Muir @hugh_muir  ·  Jun 20. Mayday! Labour and Tories face decline if they ignore minority vote, study finds

 THE STATE STRIKES BACK (Prof Gus John). › News › UK News Gus John urges David Cameron to ‘Lead’ one nation and not demonise and expose the African heritage community to racists and fascists.

David Lammy @DavidLammy  Jul 8 #BandOfBrothers Looking for men as mentors in Haringey- just turn up to open eve with rice & peas 17th July Pls RT!

Gary Younge @garyyounge  ·  Jul 4 The calendar is littered with days when people the world over celebrate liberation from British occupation

Black Enterprise @blackenterprise  ·  Once you wake up thought in a man, you can never put it to sleep again. -Zora Neale Hurston #BlackExcellence #Knowledge

Merité PR Team @MeritePR  ·  We’re very optimistic about the future of black British publications thanks to the brilliant efforts from @NUPeopleMagUK & @afronoire 👏👏👏

The Voice newspaper Britain promised a better life but we’re not there…yet. Dr Rob Berkeley reflects on the current state of Black Britain

Do you have any tips and ideas for debate and action?

Feel free to share them in the comments!

 Don’t forget to source the challenges for change in The Black London eMonograph series – Social Welfare Portal, The British Library,