Must Aim for Uplift and Representation in GE 2017
By Thomas L Blair 31 May 2017 copyright
“In an age of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act”, as Bonnie Greer reminds us. Clearly, though written for a broader political audience, the Orwellian quote is pregnant with meaning for hard hit Black communities.
The elites “wage war on truth”, she writes in The New European/May 19-May 25, 2017. “They speak through mass-selling newspapers owned by people domiciled elsewhere than this island nation”.
“The elites are counting on our disillusionment. They aim to make those who oppose them weary”, said Bonnie Greer.
Undoubtedly, this strategy of the elites aggravates the plight of Blacks in Brexit Britain. The necessary response is self-evident.
Black and maligned minorities must struggle for truth and representation in GE 2017. Now’s the time to be heard. Voting is the key to community uplift.
Notes: Bonnie Greer OBE is Chancellor of Kingston University. The American-British playwright, novelist, critic and broadcaster, has lived in the UK since 1986.
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