The Poverty of Planning
Crisis in the Urban Environment
by Thomas L Blair
Published: 13/10/2017
eISBN: 9781908480620
Format: eBook reprint £1.99
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By Thomas L Blair 4 December 2017©
The Grenfell Tower inferno, 14th June 2017, forced urban regeneration and social housing on top of the political agenda. Once again, the cry is “Planning for people”. A view local politicians rejected as they launched the Grenfell 1960s glut of problem-prone, high-rise council housing.
The Poverty of Planning, written in 1973, put the critical issues and safe solutions in sharp perspective.
- “Failed building structures and lax political response” are the culprits.
- “Poorly designed housing for poor and minority people” is a discredited strategy.
Furthermore, as its name suggests, it is a stinging critique of uncaring technocrats, bureaucrats and urban elites.
This reform-minded digital book, The Poverty of Planning, argues for some basic principles:
- Neighbourhood planning and community panels are the bedrock of policy and professional actions.
- Redistributive justice and social participation is the answer.
These principles echo the radical “New Urbanists”: British social welfare champion Professor Richard Titmus and the American “Save our Village” activist Jane Jacobs.
Therefore, the chief stakeholders – tenants and communities, government authorities, professionals and urban elites and communities — must agree to:
- Revive London’s vanishing asset: affordable council housing that is multi-racial, faith and culture.
- Make council housing a much safer, affordable place that offers tenants a rung up the scale of social mobility.
Author’s Profile:
Professor Thomas L Blair, MA, PhD writes on city planning and social change. His authored books include The International Urban Crisis and Strengthening Urban Management.
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