New digital series fills Black History knowledge gap

PILLARS%20v.%20for%20vk%20trns%20COPY%20of%2011-05-07exC-print-ZZ-Revised_Image_1Thomas L Blair © 22 October 2013

My Black London eMonograph series launched this autumn adds  FREE scholarly electronic texts for Black History Month.

Never published before, these fill the knowledge gap because:

•        They chart changes of colonised Black peoples to metropolitan urbanites,

•        They seek to inform, educate and inspire regenerative action

•        They point to shared identities within diversity

•        They help fight negrophobia and enlarge our view of Black humanity

Available now in our Page section, the Shaping of Black London charts a timeline of African and Caribbean settlement, origins, problems and prospects. Further titles will range from the first Black settlers in the 18th century to today’s denizens of the metropolis.

They build on my decades of research on race, city planning and policy issues in the public realm. Hence, they meet urgent needs in three respects:

•        To highlight urban issues, past and present, that are important to Black Londoners;

•        To focus attention on online activism in areas outside formal political participation;

•        To harness the new digital technologies that can help information-poor Black communities.

Together, they offer reliable opinion and information about Black London communities over more than five decades, a boon to problem-solvers as well as praise-singers.

For your personal FREE copies, Go-to the Page section:

Read the Black London eMonograph series introduction Page,

Fill the information gap by  clicking on the Shaping of Black London Page.