Five tips for smart Black voters on the margin – Tip sheet 1

UK General Election Campaign 2015 Series — tip sheet 1

Thomas L Blair, 07 April 2015 ©

A united front of black voters in 168 marginal seats could put race equality and social progress at the centre of the 2015 general elections.

More extensive voter registration among urban blacks and minority groups can lead to greater community control. Organised voters can demand that party leaders and candidates plan for a future without deepening ordeal of poverty.

Recognising that many problems, -if solvable at all, will be solved not by the elaborate political schemes but by grassroots spontaneous initiatives.

Five smart media guidelines for Black empowerment through the ballot box are:

  • Use the internet and smartphones to organise political agendas, gain resources, and raise awareness of the special forms of inequality facing multi-ethnic communities.
  • By contrast, check out the cyber-power of political parties and watchdog organisations – do they value and embrace diversity?
  • Furthermore, vigorously challenge intolerance, bigoted political cults, and right wing extremists.
  • Register, organise, educate, and vote for the changes needed in your community.
  • Shout it from the rooftops: people can change the present conditions of life, if they:

Take the giant step from ad hoc protest to organised political action

Smart Black voters and their allies can pave the way for a new deal in in the marginal constituencies, and hence  raise their voices in parliament and government.

They can thereby prove the links between pressing national issues and local needs and demands.

Furthermore, their votes can have three crucial effects:

They can protect local neighbourhoods, invigorate community-based urban activism, and help end destructive reigns of political power.

Your comments are welcome

Read more on Tip sheet 2 in the series till May.

See also