How to Declutter Your Mind – and make BlackLivesMatter

Editor’s Page

blair chronicl-city horizon logoWelcome to the Chronicleweblog,
Year 2016, a voice for the creative renewal of Black communities

The truth is that Black people are distressed urban dwellers everywhere in Britain and all major western societies. Why and how? Well, the remarkable trans-migrations from Africa and the Diaspora from homelands to inner cities  have made them so. The question is can community leaders, elders and the young Black Millennials, create a living space and platform for action with positive far-reaching effects.

The danger is that  21st century Black Britons will have a heavier load to bear in adapting to change — with less resources for advancement and few means to redress their grievances.


This dire prospect is headline news. The spectre of racism still clouds the future of peoples of African and Caribbean heritage.  Despite significant changes in attitudes to race issues, there is much more to be done, the highest authorities confirm.

You can have a positive impact in communities and contribute to make change happen.

  • Decluttering one’s mind on issues that matter is urgent.
  • Positive intervention in the change process is essential.
  • Harnessing the resilience, humanity and creativity of the black experience to 21st century are all of the utmost importance.

 Working with people
We know our readers value this message and its potent mixture of heritage, current affairs and information technology, because they tell us so.

“The Chronicle is the biggest breath of fresh air I have had in years and nothing short of a revelation!” writes a UK student.

An African-American professor says, “I am most proud to hear my black brethren across the waters proclaiming their achievements and at the same time acknowledging their heritages”…This is a refreshing change. Keep up the good work.”

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There should be some exciting times ahead.

Thomas L. Blair

Editor and Publisher

About us
The ChronicleworldWeblog is an independent and digital expression of the website founded in 1997. We also publish a range of high-quality e-publications in the Black London series and the Editions Blair series available in the British Library Social Welfare Portal